Hey, I'm Christopher Chedeau aka Vjeux, a front-end engineer at Facebook that graduated from
EPITA! I hope you will find some of my stuff fun if not useful 🙂
Here are some projects I worked on in the past:
- Part of the original team that started Curse.com, helped with MMO-Champion and created sc2mapster.com.
- Improved Facebook tagging flow with face detection.
- Optimized Facebook image sizes infrastructure that led to major savings in CDN bandwidth and storage.
- Promoted React by organizing the first two React Conf and started create-react-app.
- Part of the original team that built React Native. Designed Core Components API and Animated library.
- Started the CSS-in-JS movement.
- Designed and implemented first version of Yoga, the layout engine that now powers most of Facebook mobile UIs.
- Brought Prettier, a JavaScript pretty printing library, from a prototype to widespread use.
- Helped open source many Facebook front-end projects, built website infrastructure that eventually became Docusaurus.