I have integrated the LRDE (EPITA Research & Development Lab) few months ago as a student and this is my first research presentation.

Climb - A Generic and Dynamic Approach to Image Processing

Abstract: "Climb is a generic image processing library. A case study of the erosion algorithm from mathematical morphology highlights the issues of a non-generic implementation. Structures such as Image, Site Set and Accumulator are deļ¬ned to solve them. Genericity is even increased by the concept of Morphers: a way to alter the communication between an object and the outside world. All these additions are done using the dynamic aspect of Lisp that allows for rapid prototyping."


The oral presentation is in French. The slides (Download) are not readable in the video due to the poor recording quality, please scroll the slideshare at the same time you are viewing the video.

Technical Report

Along with the presentation, I have written a 20-pages technical report (Download).

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