E4X (ECMAScript for XML) is a Javascript syntax extension and a runtime to manipulate XML. It was promoted by Mozilla but failed to become mainstream and is now deprecated. JSX was inspired by E4X. In this article, I'm going to go over all the features of E4X and explain the design decisions behind JSX.

Historical Context

E4X has been created in 2002 by John Schneider. This was the golden age of XML where it was being used for everything: data, configuration files, code, interfaces (DOM) ... E4X was first implemented inside of Rhino, a Javascript implementation from Mozilla written in Java.

At the time, a very common operation was to transform XML documents into other XML documents, especially in the Java world. The two major ways to do that were either XSLT or the DOM API. Both those technologies suffer from very bad reputation as they are very tedious to work with.

Since then, the Javascript landscape evolved and the assumptions E4X was developed under do not hold true anymore. JSON has now largely replaced XML to represent data and JSON can be manipulated natively within Javascript. Libraries like jQuery made DOM searching, filtering and basic manipulation a lot easier thank to CSS selectors.

Creating a DOM structure is the only major problem that is still not properly solved. Current solutions involve creating a different "templating" language language (Mustache, Jade), creating a poor man's DSL (MagicDOM) or to use HTML modified with special attributes (Angular). This is the problem JSX is trying to solve.

The Good Parts

XML syntax is particularly good at expressing interfaces. Many people (including myself) have tried to create pure Javascript libraries that have a syntax similar to XML but none of them look really good.

With E4X, you can write XML within Javascript like this:

var header =
    <h1><a href="/">Vjeux</a></h1>
    <h2>French Web Developer</h2>

The real power of E4X comes from the interpolation mechanism. You can write Javascript expressions within {}. This lets you write dynamic HTML.

var links = [
  {name: 'Talks & Written Reports', url: '/reports'},
  {name: 'Contact', url: '/contact/'}
var body =
    <div class="left_nav">
      <input type="text" name="search" />
      <h2>About Me</h2>
      <ul>{section.elements.map(function(element) {
        var isActive = element.url == window.location;
        return <li class={isActive ? 'active' : ''}>
          {isActive ?
            element.name :
            <a href={element.url}>{element.name}</a>

This example shows that this simple construct coupled with Javascript can solve what templates have been designed to.

  • partials: header has been defined somewhere else and the resulting DOM node is just being included. In this case header was just a variable but I could as easily have used a function call to create it.
  • lists: The result of the interpolation can be a Javascript array. In order to create it, you can use the default map, filter, or any Javascript library that manipulate arrays (like Underscore for example).
  • conditions: Again, I don't need a special syntax here, Javascript already has the ternary operator. For more complex conditions you can call a function that will contain if/then/else statements.
  • nesting: Within an interpolated block, you can write XML in which you can use another interpolated block, and so on ... With templates you can only do that one level, if you have a problem that requires you to have more, then you have to go back to string concatenation.

The XML notation and the extremely powerful interpolation mechanism have been re-used as is in JSX. Now let's see the other parts of E4X that didn't work so well and what JSX does to address them.

XML Objects

While the XML object looks and behaves in a similar way to a regular JavaScript object, the two are not the same thing. E4X introduces new syntax that only works with E4X XML objects. The syntax is designed to be familiar to JavaScript programmers, but E4X does not provide a direct mapping from XML to native JavaScript objects; just the illusion of one.


The major use case of XML within Javascript is to write HTML tags. Unfortunately, what E4X generates is not a DOM node. In order to use it to generate DOM nodes, you've got to do a conversion phase not provided by default.

The second use case of XML is to represent data. In Javascript world, this use case is already being fulfilled by JSON. E4X only supports strings as a data type where Javascript objects can contain numbers, booleans, functions ...

All the code is not going to be converted to E4X right away. There's going to be a transition phase where E4X and non E4X code will have to co-exist. The fact that the objects E4X generates are not accessible from non E4X code means that none of the libraries ever written can work with E4X structures.


JSX, contrary to E4X, does not contain a runtime for XML, it is only a syntactic sugar. It translates XML syntax into function calls:

<Node attr1="first" attr2="second">
  <Child />

is converted into the following standard Javascript:

Node({attr1: 'first', attr2: 'second'},

The syntax is no longer tied to a specific implementation of the node representation. JSX is pure syntactic sugar. There are cases where you cannot use JSX, for example if you are writing your application in CoffeeScript, but it doesn't prevent you from using the underlying implementation of the XML nodes.

Because it is only a syntactic sugar, there is no need to provide a way to express all the edge cases. Computed attributes, for example, are tricky because they introduce a lot of implementation specific questions when the same attribute is specified more than once. Instead of dealing with them, it has been decided not to support it in JSX and let the users do it in regular Javascript.

var attributes = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};
<Node *{attributes} /> // Not valid JSX
Node(attributes) // Regular Javascript equivalent


Each node is identified by a name. In order to prevent conflict in the meaning of the nodes, each node also contains a namespace, encoded as an URI.

default xml namespace = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
<div />.name();
// { localName: 'div', uri: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' }
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" />.name();
// { localName: 'svg', uri: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/svg' }
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><circle /></svg>..circle.name();
// { localName: 'circle', uri: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/svg' }

Every single element in E4X contains a namespace. Most of them use the default namespace that you can override using a special JS syntax default xml namespace =. You can also set a namespace on a node using the xmlns attribute and it's going to be propagated to all the sub-tree.

The namespaces solve the problem of name conflict. E4X implements it making an identifier (URI namespace, String name) unique. This is indeed working but have downsides.


This is very weird to have to specify a URL because this URL is just a unique identifier, it is not going to get fetched or influence the way the program run.

Maintaining a unique URL and making sure it is going to stay valid is not a trivial task. There are also many questions that are raised such as what happens if your project is private. How do you deal with versioning.

URLs are usually very long and they are a distraction when you look at the code. Everyone just copy and pasted the doctype value pre-HTML5.

In the end, the XML namespaces didn't get really popular in the front-end community.


JSX uses Javascript to deal with the namespace problem. In E4X, each node type is not represented by a unique string across your program. In JSX a node type is represented by a Javascript variable. You can use all the Javascript features (eg variable hoisting, capturing via closure, function arguments ...) in order to find the proper node type you want to use.

var div = ReactDOM.div;
<div />
var div = JSXDOM.div;
<div />
var div = SomeJSFunctionThatReturnsADiv();
<div />

JSX is also totally optional. The actual representation of a node type is behind the scenes just a Javascript function. If you are not using JSX, you can create the node by calling it the following way:

// Using JSX:
<div attr="str"><br /></div>
// Without JSX:
ReactDOM.div({attr: 'str}, ReactDOM.br());

Because native DOM elements are used so often, JSX also have a way to declare a default namespace. You can add a special comment at the top of the file @jsx ReactDOM and JSX will assume that all the native elements are attributes of the object you mentioned. This is not the cleanest API but it works.

/** @jsx React.DOM */
<div /> // ReactDOM.div

Query Language

E4X is not only about creating XML fragments, it also extends Javascript syntax in order to find elements in an XML document. The integration is well done and expressive, it is worth looking at it.

var people = (
people.person.(name == "Joe").age // 46
// Filter expressions can even use JavaScript functions:
function over40(i) {
  return i > 40;
people.person.(over40(parseInt(age))).name // Joe
elem.@attr // attribute


In my opinion, this is one of the main reason that prevented E4X from being more widely adopted.
In order to get a new language extension to be adopted by all the browsers, the bar is extremely high and this feature doesn't seem to cut it.

  • It isn't really an issue in the community. jQuery became pretty successful thanks to its way to query the DOM. The overall feeling is that the current solution is satisfying and here hasn't been a strong push for help at the syntax level.
  • The query language extends the surface area. Creating XML and querying XML are two orthogonal concepts that do not need to be addressed together. Bundling them together highly reduces the chance of them being accepted.
  • A query language is highly controversial. There isn't a consensus on what's the best way to query a XML document and will probably never be. It is even harder to sell as it isn't even using an already existing standard such as XPath or CSS selectors but comes up with a completely new one.


It is not part of JSX.


Since E4X is not manipulating a plain string, it is able to differentiate between the parts that are nodes and the parts that are attributes and children. This has the extremely strong property from a security point of view that it can prevent code injections by automatically escaping attributes.

var userInput = '"<script>alert("Pwn3d!");</script>';
<div class={userInput} />.toXMLString()
// <div class="&quot;&lt;script&gt;alert(&quot;Pwn3d!&quot;)&lt;/script&gt;"></div>


XML can only manipulate strings and nodes. This means that all the attributes are first converted to strings.


Since we are now living in a Javascript world, we don't need to restrict ourself to strings. For example, it is possible to use a Javascript object to represent the style property:

<div style={{borderRadius: 10, borderColor: 'red'}} />
// <div style="-webkit-border-radius: 10px; border-color: red;" />

Callbacks don't need to be passed as string that is going to be evaluated, it is possible to use normal Javascript functions.

<div onClick={function() { console.log('Clicked!'); }} />

More is Less

When studying E4X, I stumbled across many small things that I either found weird or not really needed. This section is a compilation of them.

Attributes values are not Strings

The attributes values are not Javascript strings, they are special objects with the toString method implemented.

<div class="something">.@class === 'something'
// false
<div class="something">.@class.toString() === 'something'
// true

Prototype syntax

They introduced a special syntax function:: to add new methods on XML objects:

XML.prototype.function::fooCount = function fooCount() {
  return this..foo.length();
<foobar><foo/><foo/><foo/></foobar>.fooCount() // returns 3

Processing Instructions

E4X supports an obscure variant of XML tags: processing instructions of the form . There is a special flag to enable them in the output, but they are always properly parsed.

<foo><?process x="true"?></foo>.toXMLString()
// <foo />;
XML.ignoreProcessingInstructions = false;
<foo><?process x="true"?></foo>.toXMLString()
// <foo><?process x="true"?></foo>;

Operator overload +=

The += operator can be used to append new elements to an XMLList.

var xmlList = <></>;
xmlList += <node />;

Operator overload for attributes

You can get and set attributes using @attr.

var element = <foo bar="1" />;
console.log(element.@bar); // "1"
element.@bar = 2;


E4X had a lot of potential but unfortunately did not take off. JSX attempts to keep only the good parts of E4X. Since it is much smaller in features and only a Javascript transform, it is more likely to be adopted.

In this blog post, I explore another form of truthiness in Javascript. What happens if you use a bitwise operator on a value like 0|value or ~~value.


We recently turned on the JSHint bitwise rule by default and the following code was caught.

var isValid = false;
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
  isValid |= elements.someProperty;
return isValid;

The author didn't mean to use a bitwise operator and wanted to write the following instead:

  isValid = isValid || elements.someProperty;

Unfortunately, while the two lines look similar, they do not behave the same for all Javascript values. Instead of using the truthiness rules, the value is first converted to a signed 32bit integer and compared against 0.

Booleans and special values

In this system, booleans and special values are behaving as expected:

  • 0 | undefined === 0
  • 0 | null === 0
  • 0 | false === 0
  • 0 | true === 1


It becomes a bit more tricky with numbers. The double is first converted to signed 32 bits integer and then compared to 0.

For usual integers, it is working as expected, only 0 is falsy.

  • 0 | 0 === 0
  • 0 | 1 === 1
  • 0 | 42 === 42
  • 0 | -1 === -1

NaN (not a number) is considered as falsy, still going as expected.

  • 0 | NaN === 0

For non integers, it is more tricky. Any number in the range ]-1, 1[ is going to be falsy. Lines highlighted in yellow do not behave the same as normal truthy values.

  • 0 | 0.99 === 0
  • 0 | -0.99 === 0
  • 0 | 1.01 === 1

For big integers, the situation is even more confusing. They are all truthy except multiples of 232. This is true even after 253.

  • 0 | Math.pow(2, 32) === 0
  • 0 | 3 * Math.pow(2, 32) === 0
  • 0 | Math.pow(2, 53) === 0
  • 0 | Math.pow(2, 60) === 0
  • 0 | Math.pow(2, 32) + 1 === 1


Contrary to normal truthiness, strings in general are falsy.

  • 0 | "" === 0
  • 0 | " " === 0
  • 0 | "a" === 0

But, strings that represent numbers now follow number rules.

  • 0 | "0" === 0
  • 0 | "1" === 1
  • 0 | "0.5" === 0

The number parser is not rigid and accept inputs that have whitespace around for example.

  • 0 | "    1    " === 1


Objects are first converted to string before being converted to int32. So nearly all objects are falsy because their string representation is "[object Object]".

  • 0 | {} === 0
  • 0 | {key: 1} === 0

You can still craft objects that passes that check by overriding toString.

  • 0 | {toString: function() { return "1"; }} === 1


The normal truthiness rules can be quite misleading, but if you want to shoot yourself in the foot, I highly encourage you to replace all your !!expression into 0|expression. This will give you endless hours of debugging fun.

Dealing with scroll position when you insert content is usually a difficult problem to solve. We'll see how to use React life cycle methods to solve it elegantly.

Insertion at the bottom

The first example is to maintain the scroll position at the bottom when an element is inserted at the bottom. A common use case is a chat application.

In order to scroll at the bottom, we can do that on componentDidUpdate. It happens every time the element is re-rendered.

componentDidUpdate: function() {
  var node = this.getDOMNode();
  node.scrollTop = node.scrollHeight;

But this is going to always scroll to the bottom, which can be very annoying if you want to read what was above. Instead you want to scroll only if the user was already at the bottom. To do that, we can check the scroll position before the component has updated with componentWillUpdate and scroll if necessary at componentDidUpdate

componentWillUpdate: function() {
  var node = this.getDOMNode();
  this.shouldScrollBottom = node.scrollTop + node.offsetHeight === node.scrollHeight;
componentDidUpdate: function() {
  if (this.shouldScrollBottom) {
    var node = this.getDOMNode();
    node.scrollTop = node.scrollHeight

Note: we use this.shouldScrollBottom = ...; and not this.setState({shouldScrollBottom: ...}); because we don't want to trigger another render. We just need to manage that value between the two events.

Insertion at the top

The other use case is adding elements at the top of the page but doing so without screwing up the current scroll position of the user. An example is a log view where you can scroll to the top to read historical context.

This is using a similar technique. On componentWillUpdate we store the scroll position and on componentDidUpdate we scroll to the added delta.

componentWillUpdate: function() {
  var node = this.getDOMNode();
  this.scrollHeight = node.scrollHeight;
  this.scrollTop = node.scrollTop;
componentDidUpdate: function() {
  var node = this.getDOMNode();
  node.scrollTop = this.scrollTop + (node.scrollHeight - this.scrollHeight);


React has not been designed to handle scroll position natively. However, it provides escape hatches from the declarative paradigm in order to be able to implement them.

React is bundled with a Javascript transpiler called JSX. It gives the ability to write <html> tags within Javascript. The advertised way to use JSX is React.DOM to create React light DOM elements, but it is not the only way. We can create another JSX backend, called JSXDOM, to create real DOM elements.


Here is an example (JSFiddle) of how the code looks like with JSX and JSXDOM:

/** @jsx JSXDOM */
var defaultValue = "Fill me ...";
    <input type="text" value={defaultValue} />
    <button onclick="alert('clicked!');">Click Me!</button>
      {['un', 'deux', 'trois'].map(function(number) {
        return <li>{number}</li>;


There are many libs that attempt to do this in pure Javascript (dom-o, htmlr, ThinAir ...) but none of them look like XML. With JSX, you can copy and paste HTML in your Javascript code and it works (if you close your tags).

The great benefit outside of looking like XML is interpolation. Anything you put inside of {} is a regular Javascript expression. This way you don't need to learn yet another templating language.

var defaultValue = "Fill me ...";
<input type="text" value={defaultValue} />

It is useful for attributes but even more for children. You can create any array using Javascript functions such as map, filter, reduce, reverse ... and pass it down to JSXDOM.

  {['un', 'deux', 'trois'].map(function(number) {
    return <li>{number}</li>;


JSX is a very exciting technology that, while being developed for React, can be used standalone and provide benefits on its own.

Multiple people asked what's the story about JSX and CoffeeScript. There is no JSX pre-processor for CoffeeScript and I'm not aware of anyone working on it. (If you are interested in writing one, you probably should look at CoffeeScriptRedux). Fortunately, CoffeeScript is pretty expressive and we can play around the syntax to come up with something that is usable.


Let's see how JSX look like with an example:

<div classname="MarkdownEditor">
  <textarea onkeyup="{this.handleKeyUp}" ref="textarea">    {this.state.value}

which desugars to the following

React.DOM.div({className: 'MarkdownEditor'}, [
  React.DOM.h3({}, 'Input'),
  React.DOM.textarea({onKeyUp: this.handleKeyUp, ref: 'textarea'},

We can easily translate it to CoffeeScript:

{div, h3, textarea} = React.DOM
(div {className: 'MarkdownEditor'}, [
  (h3 {}, 'Input'),
  (textarea {onKeyUp: @handleKeyUp, ref: 'textarea'},


The translations rules are really easy. The only gotcha is to write the tags wrapped in parenthesis lisp-style. This is the best way I found not to get caught with indentation issues.

# Empty element
(div {})
# Text children: You use a string literal
(div {}, 'foo')
# Interpolation: You ignore the {} and write the expression as is
(div {}, @state.text)
# Multiple children: You use the [] notation
  <b r="">
  <b r="">
<b r=""><b r="">
(div {}, [
  (br {}),
  (br {})
# Attributes: You write them using {} notation
<div onclick="{this.onClick}"></div>
(div {onClick: @onClick})


I've re-written all the React front-page examples using CoffeeScript. The translation was really easy.

Hello World


