There's one big issue when displaying images inline like smileys is to position them at the right height.
Using vertical-align
Usually what you do is try to use vertical-align
and test all the possibilities. Then you are frustrated because you can't find the one that is pixel perfect the height you want!
, bottom
, sub
, text-bottom
, baseline
, text-top
, super
, top 

Using position: relative
What I used to do was to find the nearest vertical-align
and then use position: relative; top: -1px;
to slightly adjust the vertical position. This works very well, it doesn't change the line-height and sets the image at the exact position you want!
Using vertical-align: number
Until I re-read the documentation for vertical-align
... It appears that we can specify a number instead of the pre-sets! You can just do vertical-align: -2px;
and it works. It is relative to the baseline pre-set.
, -3px
, -2px
, -1px
, baseline
, 1px
, 2px
, 3px
, 4px