One Mistake Sequence

I'm working a lot with URLs that contain ids and very often, I made a mistake in one digit of the long id and end up with a completely different element. If I don't pay attention, then I end up looking at two elements thinking they are the same and am intrigued until I find out the mistake.

In order to avoid that, I wanted to know if I could make a sequence of ids where making one mistake would not give a valid id. For example, if you have the id 473, then you have to black list all the ids where the first digit is wrong (073, 173, 273, 373, 573, 673, 773, 873, 973) and the second being wrong (403, 413, 423, 433, 443, 453, 463, 483, 493) and the last one (470, 471, 472, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479).

Here is the list of the first pseudo-numbers:

  1. 011
  2. 022
  3. 033
  4. 044
  5. 055
  6. 066
  7. 077
  8. 088
  9. 099
  10. 101
  11. 110
  12. 123
  13. 132
  14. 145
  15. 154
  16. 167
  17. 176
  18. 189
  19. 198
  20. 202
  21. 213
  22. 220
  23. 231
  24. 246
  25. 257
  26. 264
  27. 275
  28. 303
  29. 312
  30. 321
  31. 330
  32. 347
  33. 356
  34. 365
  35. 374
  36. 404
  37. 415
  38. 426
  39. 437
  40. 440
  41. 451
  42. 462
  43. 473
  44. 505
  45. 514
  46. 527
  47. 536
  48. 541
  49. 550
  50. 563
  51. 572
  52. 606
  53. 617
  54. 624
  55. 635
  56. 642
  57. 653
  58. 660
  59. 671
  60. 707
  61. 716
  62. 725
  63. 734
  64. 743
  65. 752
  66. 761
  67. 770
  68. 808
  69. 819
  70. 880
  71. 891
  72. 909
  73. 918
  74. 981
  75. 990

And here is a visual representation of those numbers:

For each digit in the number, we blacklist 9 other numbers. For a 5 digits number (eg 12345), that means blacklisting 45 numbers. For a 10 digits number (eg 1234567890), that means blacklisting 90 numbers. The number of blacklisted numbers only grows at a logarithmic scale.

In order to see how many numbers we lose, I plotted the ratio of pseudo numbers count compared to the real numbers. We can roughly keep one number every fifteen. But the good news is that the ratio doesn't fall off the chart as the numbers grow.

Looking at the numbers, they looked like to go from 10 to 10 but with some huge spikes and sometimes they were closer. So I plotted the difference between two consecutive numbers in a chart and it looks like the difference is centered around 10. But the variance is getting higher and higher as you move further.

I'm not really sure if this sequence can be really useful in practice but that was a fun week-end experiment. I hope it'll give you some, hopefully useful, ideas 🙂

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