Javascript is a very flexible language, I made a compilation of some edge cases that you may have encountered while programming. The main goal is to point out some interesting specific behaviors.


1] var result = [10] + 1;
The Array doesn't have a toNumber method, instead it has a toString method: [10] + 1 becomes "10" + 1.
String has a greater priority over Number with the + operator: "10" + 1 becomes "10" + "1" = "101"
2] var result = ['a', 'b', 'c'] + "";
The Array.toString method concatenates all it's elements (converted to string) with the "," separator.
3] var result = 'a' + 5;
In Javascript, String has a greater priority than Number for the + operator, so 5 is converted to string before being concatenated.
In PHP, the + operator is only the addition so 'a' is converted to number (gives 0) before being added.
In C, a char and an integer are of the same type. 'a' is first converted to it's Ascii value (gives 65) before being added.


4] var result = 3.75 | 0;
|0 is a fast way to do a Math.floor for positive integers.
5] var result = 65 / 'a';
/ is only defined for Numbers so 'a' is first converted to a number (gives 0).
A division by 0 does not throw an error but results the object NaN (Not a Number).


6] var ob = {"10": 1};
ob[10] = 2;
ob[[1, 0]] = 3;
var result = ob["10"] + ob[10] + ob[[1, 0]];
Objects keys are strings. If you don't provide a string, it will convert the key to string.
"10" and 10 gives "10"
[1, 0] gives "1,0"
7] var $ = {"": String};
var result = !!$[([])]();
$ is a valid variable name.
Parenthesis inside the key part are useless: array[(1+2)] is the same thing as array[1+2].
Objects key are first converted to string. [].toString() is "".
It is possible to have the empty string "" as an object key.
$[""] is the String object. String(val) returns val.toString(). String() returns "".
! is the negation operator. "" == false, so !"" == true, !!"" == false
!!expr is a fast way to typecast an expression to a boolean.


8] var result = (' \t\r\n ' == 0);
Unlike PHP, strings wrapped around simple quote ' are also parsed. '\t' == "\t"
When compared to a number value, a string will be converted to a number. If it contains only spacing characters it will be converted to 0. If a string cannot be parsed as a number it will return NaN (Note that NaN != NaN).
9] var a = new String("123");
var b = "123";
var result = (a === b);
When creating an object with the new operator, the result type is always "object". The type of "123" is "string" so the type does not match for ===.
10] var a = {key: 1};
var b = {key: 1};
var result = (a == b);
Object comparison is only done with the pointers behind the objects.

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