Hey, I'm Christopher Chedeau aka Vjeux, a front-end engineer at Facebook that graduated from EPITA! I hope you will find some of my stuff fun if not useful 🙂

Here are some projects I worked on in the past:

  • Part of the original team that started Curse.com, helped with MMO-Champion and created sc2mapster.com.
  • Improved Facebook tagging flow with face detection.
  • Optimized Facebook image sizes infrastructure that led to major savings in CDN bandwidth and storage.
  • Promoted React by organizing the first two React Conf and started create-react-app.
  • Part of the original team that built React Native. Designed Core Components API and Animated library.
  • Started the CSS-in-JS movement.
  • Designed and implemented first version of Yoga, the layout engine that now powers most of Facebook mobile UIs.
  • Brought Prettier, a JavaScript pretty printing library, from a prototype to widespread use.
  • Helped open source many Facebook front-end projects, built website infrastructure that eventually became Docusaurus.

I helped organize the documentary around React and talked within it. It was released in 2023.

This panel happened on 2015.

This podcast was recorded in 2015 and also featured Spencer Ahrens!

This podcast is in French and was recorded in 2023.

This podcast was recorded in 2024.